Site Network: Cognitive Systems | SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition | Fachbereich 03 | Universität Bremen

Experimental Cognitive Robotics. ExpCog (WS 2011-12)


Experimental Cognitive Robotics (ExpCog)

Modul: Spezielle Themen der Kognitiven Systeme. (ECTS: 4)
2 SWS Mi von 16:00 - 18:00 CART Besprechungsraum (0.01)



Dr. Mehul Bhatt, and Dr. Frank Dylla


Humans, robots and systems that act, and interact, are embedded in   space, and this change is often the result of actions and events. This  course covers state-of-the-art cognitive robotics techniques that may be  used as a basis for high-level reasoning (e.g., for spatial planning, control) with real and simulated robots. The course is an integrated lab and lecture, i.e. half of the dates will be lectures and the other half will be labs. The lecture part comprises e.g. low-level robot control, an introduction to state-of-the-art high-level robot control approaches. Practical work will also be required using the ExpCog framework (